Boehner Boner
Boehner is DeLay in miniature, and the antipodal GOP will be making a huge mistake if he succeeds the Bugman as thief in chief. Good.
Controversial Industries Have Backed Boehner
Controversial Industries Have Backed Boehner
Two controversial industries -- for-profit colleges and trade schools, and private student lenders -- have been the major sources of financing for Rep. John A. Boehner's bid to become House majority leader. Boehner has been an outspoken advocate for each interest, and has used his chairmanship to push legislation that would boost profits by millions of dollars.Technorati Tags: Boehner, DeLay, corrupt, Blunt, Shadegg
Boehner (Ohio) is running against acting Majority Leader Roy Blunt (Mo.) and Republican Policy Committee Chairman John Shadegg (Ariz.) for the number two post in the House leadership. He has used his political action committee -- which he calls the "Freedom Project" -- to give GOP lawmakers at least $2.9 million over the past decade.