Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Cloture Roll Call

Read 'em and weep...

Campaign for the Supreme Court - The Politics of the Nomination of Samuel A. Alito Jr.
Democrats Yes [that is, against the filibuster]:
Akaka, Hawaii;
Baucus, Mont.;
Bingaman, N.M.;
Byrd, W.Va.;
Cantwell, Wash.;
Carper, Del.;
Conrad, N.D.;
Dorgan, N.D.;
Inouye, Hawaii;
Johnson, S.D.;
Kohl, Wis.;
Landrieu, La.;
Lieberman, Conn.;
Lincoln, Ark.;
Nelson, Fla.;
Nelson, Neb.;
Pryor, Ark.;
Rockefeller, W.Va.;
Salazar, Colo.

Democrats No [that is, for the filibuster]
Bayh, Ind.;
Biden, Del.;
Boxer, Calif.;
Clinton, N.Y.;
Dayton, Minn.;
Dodd, Conn.;
Durbin, Ill.;
Feingold, Wis.;
Feinstein, Calif.;
Kennedy, Mass.;
Kerry, Mass.;
Lautenberg, N.J.;
Leahy, Vt.;
Levin, Mich.;
Menendez, N.J.;
Mikulski, Md.;
Murray, Wash.;
Obama, Ill.;
Reed, R.I.;
Reid, Nev.;
Sarbanes, Md.;
Schumer, N.Y.;
Stabenow, Mich.;
Wyden, Ore.

Democrats Not Voting:
Harkin, Iowa.