Saturday, January 28, 2006

Froomkin Speaks!

If the majority of Americans disapprove of Dubya, why do our pussified pundits act as if only radical lefty nutcases are critical of Dear Leader? Or, using the inverted logic of media bizarro world, why is the mainstream so out of the mainstream? Froomkin provides a dose of reality as he takes a look at recent polls and tells it like it is.

An Unhappy Union
President Bush will have two major audiences when he delivers his State of the Union address Tuesday night, and one of them is a lot more disappointed in him than the other.

But for a few anemic signs of independence, the Republican-controlled Congress seems happy following his lead. Not so the American public.

A slew of polls are out today telling the story of a people who are decidedly dour about Bush's performance at almost every level. One suddenly mounting area of concern: ethics. His last source of strength: national security. But even that is something of a mixed bag.
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