Indecent Exposure
I'm old enough to remember when on-the-air assholes like Bill O'Reilly were relegated to the Late-Late Show time slot, just after Joe Franklin. In today's fact-free, post 9/11 America, however, they dominate the prime-time talk shows. Media Matters has the latest garbage from the mouth of the Falafel King:
CALLER: That is -- Abramoff gave not one dime to a Democrat. Not one.I have the complete FEC printout on Abramoff's campaign contributions, and he gave zip to Democrats. And anyone with an Internet connection can go and see for themselves. Yet lying scum like O'Reilly not only get away with their lies in spite of the evidence, they also get more "respectable" media outlets to pick them up and run with them. It's enough to drive a man to drink.
O'REILLY: All right, Sherry, I'm going to let you go, because that's just fallacious. And you, madam, don't know what you're talking about. OK? So, you are a Kool-Aid drinker who is blinded by whatever neurosis you have, because that's just insane.

Technorati Tags: O'Reilly, Abramoff, Fox, Factor, douchebag