Sauce for the Clenis, no sauce for the Shrub.
Photos of Bush With Abramoff Are Withheld
Technorati Tags: Bush, Abramoff, photos, Clenis, Matalin, spin
Photos of Bush With Abramoff Are Withheld
Mary Matalin, an informal White House adviser, said the photos should not be released and that, if they are, voters are savvy enough to realize the images are not evidence of a Bush role in the scandal. A top White House aide said it would set a terrible precedent if the president were to release photos from private events.Just how in the hell does James Carville stay married to that bitch?
But Democrats said that precedent is established. In 1997, congressional and public pressure forced the Clinton White House to release videotapes of Bill Clinton hosting meet-and-greet coffees with big contributors.
Technorati Tags: Bush, Abramoff, photos, Clenis, Matalin, spin