The Nixonomicon
What, in substance, both the Neocon wizards and the closet Klansmen had chanted to their kindred idols was something very like this: the word-divisions being guessed at from traditional breaks in the phrase as chanted aloud:
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Nhixhon S’n Clm’nte wgah'nagl fhtagn."
Safire had one point in advance of Professor Will, for several among his anonymous administration sources had repeated to him what older conservatives had told them the words meant. This text, as given, ran something like this:
"In his house at San Clemente dead Nixon waits dreaming."
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Nhixhon S’n Clm’nte wgah'nagl fhtagn."
Safire had one point in advance of Professor Will, for several among his anonymous administration sources had repeated to him what older conservatives had told them the words meant. This text, as given, ran something like this:
"In his house at San Clemente dead Nixon waits dreaming."