Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Budget cuts

Let's start by cutting this guy's job.

Many Proposed Cuts Have Met Limited Success in the Past
In a climate of record budget deficits and pressure from fiscal conservatives to rein in spending, the White House is drawing attention to what Budget Director Joshua B. Bolten has termed "a vigorous policy of spending restraint" in parts of the government unrelated to security. "We think there are a lot of programs that can be either taken out altogether or very substantially dialed down," Bolten said on Monday, as the White House proposed its $2.77 trillion spending plan for the fiscal year that begins in October.
Why don't we cut funding for the Iraq war, since it's clearly unrelated to security? Well, that's not quite correct--the war has actually managed to make us less secure. The logical conclusion, therefore, is that eliminating funding for the war (thus eliminating the war) will increase security while at the same time saving money. Brilliant!

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