Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Gonzales Toss-Off?

So that's why he kept shifting in his seat.

Media Matters - ABC News: Gonzales "held his own" even though "it got personal" at NSA hearings
From the February 6 World News Tonight:

VARGAS: Good evening. We begin with a profound difference of opinion on the government's power to eavesdrop on Americans without getting a warrant. There's been a lot of debate about this, since President Bush's secret domestic surveillance program was revealed in the press two months ago. Today, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales defended the program before the Senate Judiciary Committee. He said it was essential for catching terrorists. And he claimed Congress authorized the program, even if most lawmakers didn't realize it. ABC's chief Washington correspondent, George Stephanopoulos, joins us with the latest. And the attorney general, George, held his own today.
His own what? Like anyone else was going to hold it for him...