Grand Old Prevaricators
Well, at least the GOP has flushed out all the America-haters among us--their followers.
Republican Wedge Issues, 2006 Edition
Technorati Tags: GOP, Republicans, wedge, elections
Republican Wedge Issues, 2006 Edition
Old lies die hard. We grow inured to the administration's howlers in defense of its Iraq policy, so much so that the preposterous case the president made in his State of the Union address for our continued presence in Iraq went almost unnoticed. But he actually said this:The Republican party is the party of wedge issues. They've driven a wedge between Americans and between America and the rest of the world. Time to drive a wedge between them and Washington.
"A sudden withdrawal of our forces from Iraq would abandon our Iraqi allies to death and prison, [and] would put men like bin Laden and Zarqawi in charge of a strategic country. . . ."
Is there one person anywhere inside the administration who really believes that Abu Musab Zarqawi's murderous band of outsiders would emerge as rulers over the vastly larger and very well-armed Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish legions if we pulled out? The same band of outsiders that tried to stop the Sunnis from voting in December's parliamentary election and held their turnout down, in some provinces, to a mere 90 percent? We've heard this one before. Before the war, the president told us that Saddam Hussein was an ally and co-conspirator of Osama bin Laden -- all evidence to the contrary. Now bin Laden is poised to take over the country if we leave -- all evidence to the contrary.
Technorati Tags: GOP, Republicans, wedge, elections