Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hey, hey Paula...

...I think I just ate your brain by fell in the bowl of nuts and I mistook it for a cashew.

Media Matters - CNN's Zahn: "[Y]ou've got a lot of people out there saying ... if you vote for a Democrat, that basically you want to be bombed"
During CNN's live coverage preceding President Bush's January 31 State of the Union address, co-host Paula Zahn claimed "a lot of people out there" are saying that "if you vote for a Democrat, that basically you want to be bombed." Zahn also purported to identify a "perception" that Democrats are "reactive, not proactive, that they have no agenda of their own, and ... that basically the only thing they're good at is blasting the president."
Well, she got one thing right (no pun intended)--the people she refers to are definitely "out there".

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