Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Mr. Kafka, meet Mr. Gonzales

Can anyone explain to me what authorization to use force against al Qaeda in places like Afghanistan has to do with spying on Americans at home? Abu Gonzales' tortured (pun intended) logic escapes me as it did Senator Specter. Yet another example of "magical thinking" by the dry drunks in the Bush administration--"it's so because I say it's so." How the hell did we elect a man with the worldview of a three-year old as President?

In Limelight at Wiretap Hearing: 2 Laws, but Which Should Rule? - New York Times

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales made the case to the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday that two potentially contradictory Congressional actions — one a 1978 law forbidding domestic surveillance without a court's permission, the other a 2001 resolution giving the president authority to use force to combat Al Qaeda — together mean that the executive branch is free to decide on its own to spy on communications between people in the United States and those abroad.
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