Shoot first...
...and to hell with the questions.
Col. Jessep Goes A-Hunting
Col. Jessep Goes A-Hunting
I told you people Dick Cheney was dangerous.Technorati Tags: Cheney, dangerous, shotgun, accident
Let's all wish a full and speedy recovery for Harry Whittington, the man Cheney accidentally shot on Saturday while they were out in the Texas boonies hunting quail. As for the trigger-happy vice president, let's hope he takes this unfortunate episode as a hint to pack up his shotgun and go home. Lord knows he's done enough.The man is out of control.
Then again, out-of-control is the
way this whole administration operates: Ready, fire, aim. Global war on
terrorism, global war on poultry, what's the difference? You see
something moving, shoot it.Sorry, Harry, my bad.
It's been
clear for some time that Cheney came to office with a revanchist
agenda, and he has pushed so hard in his campaign to assert autocratic
powers for the White House that even his allies on Capitol Hill have
begun pushing back. No wonder, given the way he treats them. On
electronic spying, Cheney has essentially told Congress that if any
members would like to discuss checks and balances, they're welcome to
talk to the hand.
...I doubt the vice president would have any patience with this sort of
navel-gazing. Just lock and load. The rest of you, don't forget to duck.