Stark Raving Rummy
The Madman Across the Potomac wants to create an honest-to-Orwell Ministry of Propaganda.
Rumsfeld Urges Using Media to Fight Terror
Technorati Tags: Rummy, propaganda, media, lies
Rumsfeld Urges Using Media to Fight Terror
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld yesterday called for the military and other government agencies to mount a far more aggressive, swift and nontraditional information campaign to counter the messages of extremist and terrorist groups in the world media.A "shock and awe" explosion of truthiness on a global scale.
Rumsfeld criticized the absence of a "strategic communications framework" for fighting terrorism. He also lashed out at the U.S. media, which he blamed for effectively halting recent U.S. military initiatives in the information realm -- such as paying to place articles in Iraqi newspapers -- through an "explosion of critical press stories."
Technorati Tags: Rummy, propaganda, media, lies