Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Terra! Watch List

"But I'm not guilty," said K., "there's been a mistake. How is it even possible for someone to be guilty. We're all human beings here, one like the other." "That is true," said the priest, "but that is how the guilty speak."

Imagine you're stopped trying to board a flight and asked to step aside. You ask what's wrong.
"Your name has come up on the Terror Watch List," they say.
"How the hell can that be?" you ask, stunned and disbelieving.
"We can't tell you that. It's classified," they reply.
"Classified? Then how the hell do I get my name off the list?"
"We can't tell you that. It's classified."
"Unfuckingbelievable. Who do I need to talk to to get my name off the damned list?"
"We can't tell you that. It's classified."

Think these things happen only in Orwell and Kafka novels? Think again.

Is your name James Moore? If so, you may be a terrorist. Or at least the NSA thinks so, having added that name -- which also happens to be the name of the author of Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential -- to its mysteriously targeted and infamously mismanaged "No-Fly" list.

US Senator Ted Kennedy (Democrat, Massachusetts) was prohibited from flying because his name sparked a terror alert, the Associated Press reports. Apparently, the Senator's name came up on a terrorist watch list, or no-fly list, while attempting to board a US Airways shuttle out of Washington.

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