Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Testosterone Deficit

I Castrati (otherwise known as the House Democratic caucus) refuse to do the right thing yet again, preferring to cross their fingers (and their legs, which they can do without risk of discomfort) in hopes of midterm election success. They still haven't learned that it doesn't matter how hard you try to get along with the Rethugs; they'll smear, slander, and eviscerate you anyway if that's what they need to do to win.

The Raw Story | As liberal Democrat calls for special prosecutor on Iraq, Democrats duck
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), the feisty septuagenarian congressman who serves as the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee will issue yet another missive to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales later this week calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate possible criminal misconduct in regard to the Bush Administration's march to war in Iraq.

Just five other Democrats have signed Conyers' letter: Reps. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) Mike Honda (D-CA) and Jim McDermott (D-WA), Susan Davis (D-CA,) and Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) along with Bernie Sanders (I-VT).


What's striking isn't that Conyers is calling on Gonzales to appoint a
special prosecutor. He's done it before, and he'd likely do it again.
But his decision to take public action to seek a Justice Department
investigation of pre-war policy and manipulation of the press has met
resounding silence among his Democratic Party.
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