Monday, February 06, 2006

This edition of 'Hardball'... brought to you by the Republican National Committee. Actually, it wasn't 'Hardball'; it was 'The Chris Matthews Show,' but what's in a name? An asshole by any other name still smells as bad.

Media Matters - Matthews, responding to assessment that Giulani is "very strong in South Carolina": "Music to my ears. Because I think that too"

Tweety isn't even trying to hide his partisanship any more.
MATTHEWS: Kathleen, it's incredible. You -- I've said on this show many a time -- that you judge a person by their genuineness. Are they really what they say? Can Rudy sell in this religious environment in the South?

PARKER: I think he can. Rudy has a big following in the South. He's very strong in South Carolina, for instance. And I've got --

MATTHEWS: Music to my ears. Because I think that too.
Yep, adulterous divorced Catholic Rudy G will sell like grits in Bob Jonesville because, as always, IOKIYAR.

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