Weapons of Mass Depiction
I still can't believe that America has just shrugged off the whole "torture thing." The original Abu Ghraib revelations resulted in nothing more than the scapegoating of those unlucky enough to be caught, photographically speaking, in the act; almost none of those further up the chain of command have even had their careers put at risk. There is ample testimony that the higher-ups directed (in a plausibly deniable way, I'm sure) the actions of Graner and company, yet no one seems to give a fuck. Now we have "more of the same"--ho hum.
Australian TV Network Airs More Abu Ghraib Photos
Technorati Tags: Abu Ghraib, revelation, photos, scapegoat, torture, Iraq, Rumsfeld, impeach
Australian TV Network Airs More Abu Ghraib Photos
An Australian television channel today broadcast more photographs of abuse of Iraqi prisoners at the U.S.-run Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad. The graphic images, which included naked, blood-soaked prisoners, were quickly picked up by Arabic television stations and Web sites around the world.Nothing new here, move along.
The abuse pictures were similar to or the same as the now-infamous images that came out in April 2004, sparking public outrage, a congressional investigation and the military trials of several U.S. soldiers. But their release could be significant because it comes at a time of already heightened tension between Muslim nations and the West over European newspaper cartoons satirizing the prophet Muhammad.
None of the images broadcast today appear to indicate any abuses that were previously unknown. They were part of the investigations that led to the punishment of several soldiers who worked at the prison, including Charles A. Graner, a military police soldier who is serving a 10-year prison sentence.
Technorati Tags: Abu Ghraib, revelation, photos, scapegoat, torture, Iraq, Rumsfeld, impeach