You're on you're own, Brownie...
...same as New Orleans during Katrina. And Harriet sees to it that he's hung out to dry just like she was.
Former FEMA Director to Testify About Katrina
Former FEMA Director to Testify About Katrina
Michael D. Brown, the former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was rebuffed in his request for a claim of executive privilege and plans to testify to a Senate panel today about his calls and e-mails to President Bush and top White House aides in the Hurricane Katrina crisis, Brown's lawyer said yesterday.Technorati Tags: Brown, NOLA, Katrina, hearings
White House Counsel Harriet Miers declined to offer Brown a legal defense for declining to testify or respond to a Feb. 6 letter advising that without such protection Brown "intends to answer all questions fully, completely and accurately," said Brown's lawyer, Andrew W. Lester.