Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bin Laden Jr. Determined to Attack in the US

And all we have between us and insensate evil is Michael "Heckuva Job II" Chertoff and his Keystone Kops at the DHS. Until they're outsourced to Dubai, that is.

ABC News: EXCLUSIVE: New Al Qaeda Leader Planning Attack Against U.S.
March 2, 2006 — - Pakistani officials told ABC News that they believe they have indications that a new terrorist attack against the United States is being planned there. They told ABC News that while their intelligence does not give any specific details as to a target or time, it does indicate that an emerging al Qaeda figure is making plans.

Pakistani military officials say Matiur Rehman, 29, a Pakistani militant, is behind the new plans for an attack against the United States. Pakistan has posted a 10-million rupee (about $166,000) award for his capture.
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