Sunday, March 05, 2006

Embarrassment of Choices

Decisions, decisions...who to root for? DeLay, or his primary opponents? On the one hand, it would be fitting for Tom to get whupped on Tuesday; on the other, it might be better for the Dems to have DeLay on the ballot in November, particularly if more incriminating details are flushed out between now and then. In any case, barring an attack of national amnesia, it seems clear that the Bugman's reign of error is over. Whooda thunk it possible a few short years ago?

DeLay Will Face Voters' Verdict This Week
In Tuesday's Republican primary election here, undecided voters such as the Deatses could make the crucial difference for DeLay, whose hold on the seat has never been challenged seriously. But emboldened by DeLay's legal and ethical troubles, three Republicans have stepped up to oppose his renomination.

If DeLay emerges as the party's candidate, the road to reelection will not get any smoother. Former representative Nick Lampson, who has no opponent in the Democratic primary, has been running since last year and, with $1.4 million, has slightly more cash on hand than DeLay, according to the latest campaign finance report. A Houston Chronicle poll in January showed Lampson with a lead over DeLay of eight percentage points.

It will not help DeLay that his district is more Democratic, ironically by his own making. DeLay's legal and ethical entanglements stem from his efforts to redistrict Texas to elect more Republicans to the U.S. House.
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