Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Meme, Take II

Hacks like Kurtz will keep flogging the "Hapless Dems" meme until they've drilled it so deeply into the minds of American voters that it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. And Howie the Putz calls this "new conventional wisdom"? C'mon, you guys in the SCLM have been putting this bullshit out since Gore was elected president in 2000 (too bad he never got to take the oath of office)! No matter how many initiatives the Democrats put forward (only to have them squashed by the Rethug majority), you repeat the mantra: "the Democrats don't stand for anything except opposition to Bush". This is patently false, in spite of the fact that, as noted previously in this space, they don't march in lock-step like the gutless GOP. But even if it were true, opposition to always-wrong Dubya is itself a good thing. But no matter. The Democrats are damned if they do, damned if they don't, and assholes like Kurtz help Rove and company keep it that way.

Media Notes Extra
In recent days, some new conventional wisdom has been hardening like ready-mix cement. To wit, Bush is in trouble, the Republicans are in trouble, Bush is in trouble with Republicans, and the litany of Iraq plus Katrina plus ports plus Miers plus eavesdropping puts the GOP in grave danger in 2006. But . . . the Democrats may be too disorganized to take advantage, thus fumbling away any chance to retake the House.
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