No crony left behind
An no promise left unbroken. How can morons like Tweety talk about how trustworthy Dubya is when he and his minions repeatedly renege on committments?
FEMA breaks Katrina contracts pledge - Hurricanes' Aftermath -
Technorati Tags: FEMA, rebid, cronies, corrupt, renege, Katrina, Bechtel, Shaw, Fluor, CH2M Hill
FEMA breaks Katrina contracts pledge - Hurricanes' Aftermath -
Acting FEMA Director R. David Paulison pledged last fall to rebid the contracts, which were awarded to Shaw Group Inc., Bechtel Corp., CH2M Hill Inc. and Fluor Corp. Later, the agency acknowledged the rebidding wouldn’t happen until February.By the way, here's what the people have to say about this:
This week, FEMA said the contracts wouldn’t be rebid after all. In fact, they have been extended, in part because of good performance, said Michael Widomski, a spokesman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Technorati Tags: FEMA, rebid, cronies, corrupt, renege, Katrina, Bechtel, Shaw, Fluor, CH2M Hill