Toonerville Tommy
Tancredo, esteemed biblical scholar that he is, "rebuts" by assertion Hillary's statements on the utterly anti-Christian nature of the xenophobic GOP and their "throw Jesus in the slammer" approach to immigration. I have news fer ya someone who can read the New Testament in the original Greek (as Stenanopoulos no doubt can do as well), I can say with confidence--

Or, in today's vernacular,
You're off your nut!
Think Progress » Tancredo: ‘Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Know the First Thing About the Bible’

Or, in today's vernacular,
You're off your nut!
Think Progress » Tancredo: ‘Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Know the First Thing About the Bible’
Anti-immigrant hardliner Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) responded to Clinton this morning on ABC’s This Week. Watch it:Technorati Tags: Tancredo, xenophobe, GOP, immigration, ClintonSTEPHANOPOULOS: Congressman Tancredo, she’s basically saying your approach is un-Christian.Clinton is right about the law. According to Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahoney, the proposed provision “is so broad that it would criminalize even minor acts of mercy like offering a meal or administering first aid.” Mahoney has instructed the priests of his archdiocese to disobey the law if it is enacted.
TANCREDO: I’m not really surprised that Hillary Clinton doesn’t know the first thing about the Bible. Her impression — her analysis, her interpretation of both the law and the Bible are certainly wrong to say the least. This has nothing to do — the bill we passed out of the House has nothing to do with criminalizing Good Samaritans.