Monday, May 08, 2006

No, not Newsday!

I used to deliver Newsday when their slogan was "Still 5 cents!" and they had no Sunday paper (comics came on Saturday). Shit like this makes me want to throw my Master and Honor Carrier awards (one of 'em was a Schwinn bike) over Mr. Farantelli's fence, right through the window of the '55 Packard he drove to drop off the papes every day. A pox on pasty pink putz Pinkerton!

Media Matters - Pinkerton: The media "like brown people" and "black people," but "what they really dislike, of course, is white people"

Summary: Referring to news coverage of the May 1 "Day Without Immigrants" demonstrations on Fox News Watch, Newsday columnist James P. Pinkerton claimed that "[t]he media like brown people, but they like black people more." He then added: "[W]hat they really dislike, of course, is white people."
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