Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What is the sound of two balls clanging?

Most Dems will never know since they have no balls at all, much less brass ones. The front man for illegal NSA spying, the General who didn't even know what the 4th Amendment really said about illegal search and seizure, the hairless hack who lied to Congress, gets waved on with a wink and a nod from the majority of the intelligence committee Democrats. Here is the list of the cojonically challenged who gave Hayden a pass:

- Carl Levin
- Dianne Feinstein (no, that doesn't excuse her--I speak of balls in the metaphoric sense)
- Barbara Mikulski (ditto)
- John D. Rockefeller IV

Intelligence Panel Backs Hayden as CIA Director

Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden won a bipartisan endorsement from the Senate intelligence committee yesterday to head the CIA at a time of reorganization and troubled morale, and legislative leaders said they hope to have the full Senate confirm him for the job by Thursday.

The panel voted 12 to 3 to recommend that Hayden, a four-star general with substantial experience in electronic surveillance, succeed Porter J. Goss, who leaves the CIA post on Friday after 18 stormy months.

Hayden won the backing of the committee's eight Republicans and four of seven Democrats. Voting against him were Democrats Evan Bayh (Ind.), Russell Feingold (Wis.) and Ron Wyden (Ore.).
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