Wednesday, July 26, 2006

And the number 1 sign that you suck as Attorney General... make John Asscrack look good. Abu Gonzales is a servile cipher who has one and only one purpose in life: protect the presidential derriere. Look for Gonzo to join the Supremes (oh, the horror!) once Ann Coulter manages to slip Breyer the promised rat poison--unless we manage to kick enough Rethugs out of office this November.

Ashcroft Nostalgia

Alberto Gonzales is achieving something remarkable, even miraculous, as attorney general: He is making John Ashcroft look good.

I was no fan of President Bush's first attorney general, who may be best remembered for holding prayer breakfasts with department brass, hiding the bare-breasted statue in the Great Hall of Justice behind an $8,000 set of drapes, and warning darkly that those who differed with administration policy were giving aid to terrorists.

But as I watched Gonzales testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, it struck me: In terms of competence (the skill with which he handles the job) and character (willingness to stand up to the president), Gonzales is enough to make you yearn for the good old Ashcroft days.
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