Monday, July 31, 2006


As I recall, they said Ted Kennedy was nuts when he drew analogies between Iraq and that "crazy Asian war"...

Think Progress » Hagel: The Iraq War Is ‘An Absolute Replay Of Vietnam’

Four months ago, Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) described the conditions in Iraq as a “low grade civil war.” Today, his view is much more bleak. In an interview with the Omaha World Herald, the Vietnam War veteran said that the country had descended into “absolute anarchy” and the war was “an absolute replay of Vietnam.”
And unlike our draft-dodging Preznit, Senator Hagel is in a position to know a replay of Vietnam when he sees one:
Hagel served in Vietnam with his brother Tom in 1968. They served side by side as infantry squad leaders with the U.S. Army’s 9th Infantry Division. Hagel earned many military decorations and honors, including two Purple Hearts [and a Bronze Star].
Bushco is a diseased pustule ready to explode. Time for the Dems to apply heat and pressure; just watch out for the flying blood and pus when it pops.

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