Thursday, July 27, 2006

WMATA wif you?

Build it right, but just build the damned thing, willya? Metro service to Dulles has been needed for ages now, so kwitcher bitchin' and get on with it. If VA wants a tunnel (definitely preferable to an el) in Tysons Corner, great, but they need to pony up. If they do, the feds need to shut up and do their part instead of pushing for the quicker, cheaper, but possibly wrong solution just so they can put a feather in their campaign hats.

Wolf, Davis Say Tunnel May Delay Dulles Rail

The leading congressional supporter of extending Metrorail to Dulles International Airport warned Virginia officials yesterday that an underground route through Tysons Corner could doom the project, casting plans for a subway tunnel into doubt.

In a strongly worded letter to Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D), Rep. Frank R. Wolf (R-Va.), the rail extension's top federal backer, and Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.) said that a tunnel under Tysons, although preferable in theory, would delay the project and raise its cost, imperiling key federal funding and the entire 23-mile extension from West Falls Church.
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