Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Manurian Candidate

No, that's not a typo. George W. Bush is full of it as is his Iraq policy. Russ Feingold could just as easily have said that the Iraq war was based on an "outrageous pile of horseshit." Couple that with the Preznit's love of potty humor and you have an accurate portrait of the man. And I use that term loosely.

The Capital Times

U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold told a group of Madison area residents this morning that the ongoing U.S. presence in Iraq is the result of an "outrageous pile of lies" and called for more accountability.

"The Bush administration should take accountability for being stuck there and not admitting mistakes," he told a group of about 60 people this morning at a listening session at the Boys & Girls Club on Jenewein Road.
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