Pack Snitchens off to Botany Bay?
No, no...curfew shall not ring tonight, Mr. Snedrick! Besides, he also skewers babies when in his cups...
Crooks and Liars » Hitchens curses out Bill Maher’s audience
Christopher Hitchen’s was in top form during Real Time’s premiere episode His style usually consists of one part nasty–one part mean and he showcased it well Friday night. During a segment on Bill Maher’s show–he flipped the audience off and cursed them out. I’ve seen Maher ask the audience to calm down before, but never have I seen a guest react like that.When the coster's finished jumping on his mother –
On his mother,
He loves to lie a-basking in the sun –
In the sun.
Ah, take one consideration with another –
With another,
A neocon's lot is not a happy one.
Technorati Tags: Hitchens, Snitchens, asshole, in his cups, drunk, Trotskyite, Bill Maher, the Bird