Sunday, August 27, 2006

Speaking of Chicken Shit

And by that I mean both the man and the mess he's made of Iraq. Chickenshit chickenhawk Rummy is a world-class fuckup who should be strapped to a cruise missile and launched in the general direction of the Persian Gulf. He's goddamned lucky the families of the 172nd didn't rip him to shreds.

Rumsfeld Defends Extended Tours in Iraq

FAIRBANKS, Alaska -- In a lively but polite give-and-take, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld fielded questions Saturday from wives and other family members of Alaska-based soldiers whose combat tours in Iraq were abruptly extended just as they prepared to return home this month.

"It is something we don't want to do," Rumsfeld told several hundred family members who gathered in a gymnasium at nearby Ft. Wainwright, home of the 172nd Stryker Brigade. The unit's deployment to Iraq was extended by up to four months to bolster U.S. firepower in the Baghdad area.

"But in this case we had to," he added, referring to the decision made in late July to extend the 172nd.

Asked whether the Army was preparing another brigade to take over for the 172nd in case the intended improvements in Baghdad are not achieved by mid-December, Rumsfeld said he could make no promises.

"I wish I had a magic wand and the power to say yes. I don't," he said. "I will do everything in the world I can do to see that they are not extended beyond the 120 days."
Lying scumbag.

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