Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Way to End All Wars

and Cheney
gladly spill
the blood of those
they do not know
while zealously guarding
the blood of those
they do
No war is too hard
no battle too difficult
for those who don't have to fight
No sons
no daughters
are too dear to be sacrificed
as long as theirs
are kept from harm
What if
The first to march against the enemy
the first to take up arms
the salient of the phalanx
were the scions
of the Rich
and the Powerful
the children of Privilege
forced to risk their lives
and fortunes
before any of those below them
on the economic totem pole
were asked to make
the ultimate sacrifice?
The world would know
a Golden Age of peace
unmatched in its history
No wars would be fought
No swords drawn
Without ultimate necessity
And belligerence would
be the last resort
Why has not
such a sage policy
been put in place?

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