Damning with Faint Praise
Or is it feint praise? "Yeah, I know... things aren't going so well in - WOW! LOOK OVER THERE! IT DOESN'T COMPLETELY SUCK THERE QUITE AS BADLY AS IT DID LAST TIME WE LOOKED!"
Steve Young: Best Defending The Success of The Surge Quote of the Week - The Huffington Post
Steve Young: Best Defending The Success of The Surge Quote of the Week - The Huffington Post
"There's been real changes. In Ramadi, that has been one of worst places in Iraq, it is now one of the less bad places in Iraq."Technorati Tags: Frum, assholes, Iraq, war, OUT NOW
David Frum, American Enterprise Institute Fellow, National Review Contributor on CNN's Reliable Sources, Sept.16, 2007