Infernal War (do i detect a pattern here?)
Otherwise known as "Dante's Nadir," our foray into Iraq brings us to the innermost circles of hell, whence the damned cry out to those in the living world above, but in vain:
Alas; a great gulf stands between those who are finally self-aware and the rest of us assholes, and no man or woman, living or dead, can bridge that gulf. Wait... this just in... perhaps one who has shuffled off this mortal coil can, in fact, reach those of us who are willing to listen...
I'll tell ya...
"Old Gimlet Eye," Marine General Smedley Darlington Butler, the most decorated Marine in the history of the US of Frickin' A, that's who.
Technorati Tags: Iraq, war, racket, smedley butler, Bush, IMPEACH, OUT NOW!!!
S’i’ credesse che mia risposta fosse a persona che mai tornasse al mondo, questa fiamma staria sanza piĆ¹ scosse."If I could only believe that my warnings against War Without EndTM would be heard by someone who gives a damn, these flames wouldn't burn so fiercely..."
Alas; a great gulf stands between those who are finally self-aware and the rest of us assholes, and no man or woman, living or dead, can bridge that gulf. Wait... this just in... perhaps one who has shuffled off this mortal coil can, in fact, reach those of us who are willing to listen...
WAR is a racket. It always has been.Who, you ask, is the bleeding-heart socialist back-stabbing coward who said this?
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most
vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the
profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
I'll tell ya...
"Old Gimlet Eye," Marine General Smedley Darlington Butler, the most decorated Marine in the history of the US of Frickin' A, that's who.
Technorati Tags: Iraq, war, racket, smedley butler, Bush, IMPEACH, OUT NOW!!!
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