Friday, November 30, 2007

Koched Goose

In a sane world, Rudy would be toast:

Talking Points Memo
Ed Koch's Budget Director Alaire Townsend on Shag Fund budgeting ...

"Money might get moved around within the mayor's office, but I don't know why an expense of the NYPD would get recorded that way unless you just didn't want people to find it."
Ah, but remember slogans of campaigns past:

Vote for Cuomo, not the homo.

Rudy G, in spite of his gender-bending dress-up days, is indubitably a raging heterosexual. So that makes him OK with the Ofay. That is, until we find pics of St. Rudy in flagrante delicto with a German Shepherd. MALE German Shepherd, that is. 'sOK if he fucks another bitch.

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