Of Photo and Psy-Ops
Dubya's Middle East trip had nothing to do with peace; it was all about war. In his inimitable style, with utter self-unawareness, Bush the Lesser (and that's saying a shitload) waxed hypocritical as he charged the Iranian people to take action that we in this country should have taken long ago against this corrupt, criminal regime:
Bush Urges Allies to Join U.S. Efforts to Confront Iran - washingtonpost.com
Technorati Tags: Bush, Iran, saber rattling, war, IMPEACH!
Bush Urges Allies to Join U.S. Efforts to Confront Iran - washingtonpost.com
In a speech described by the White House as the centerpiece of his eight-day trip to the Middle East, Bush tried to speak directly to the people of Iran as he urged nations to help the United States "confront this danger before it is too late."Accountability = impeachment in our case. So what are we waiting for? IMPEACH THE BASTARD!!!!
"You have a right to live under a government that listens to your wishes, respects your talents and allows you to build better lives for your families," Bush said to Iranians. "Unfortunately, your government denies you these opportunities, and threatens the peace and stability of your neighbors. So we call on the regime in Tehran to heed your will, and to make itself accountable to you."
Technorati Tags: Bush, Iran, saber rattling, war, IMPEACH!
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