Friday, February 08, 2008

Bush is pussywhipped!

We have it on good authority that Dubya has to beg carfare from Laura every morning so he can take WMATA to work at the Honkey Chateau... and we hear he hands his paycheck over to "the Boss" (as he calls Laura) every time the Eagle shits... plus she keeps his very small balls in a jar of formaldehyde whenever he has a staff meeting where Condi is in attendance...

If he can't face a Stepford wife, how can he face Al Q. Aeda?

Media Matters - National Journal 's Hotline falsely claimed Clinton "had to borrow funds from her husband"
Summary: In reporting on Sen. Hillary Clinton's $5 million loan to her presidential campaign, National Journal's Hotline On Call claimed that "Clinton had to borrow funds from her husband, former President Bill Clinton." In fact, Sen. Clinton has said that the loan was "my money," and, indeed, it would be illegal for her to use assets belonging solely to her husband to fund her presidential campaign. Hotline On Call also claimed that Sen. Barack Obama was asked about "what it meant that Clinton had to borrow funds from her husband," but there is no evidence that Obama was asked that question or that he remarked on her purportedly having "borrow[ed] funds from her husband."
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