Sunday, September 14, 2008


Who finally lit a fire under his sorry ass?

Media Matters - Discussing "Lipstickgate," Kurtz asked: "Why, exactly, did the mainstream media go hog-wild over a manufactured story that was pushed by the right?"
Summary: Howard Kurtz described the "lipstick controversy," regarding a comment made by Sen. Barack Obama, as "ridiculous, trumped-up, phony" and asked, "Why, exactly, did the mainstream media go hog-wild over a manufactured story that was pushed by the right?" Kurtz asserted, "Just about everyone knows it was essentially pushed along and made up by Drudge, Sean Hannity, and the New York Post. ... Surely the media wouldn't fall for this," adding, "And even as they [the media] were saying, 'Well, you know, this isn't quite the way it happened,' it didn't matter. They'd still do segment after segment on it."
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