The Bush Junta
Like some banana republic dictator, el Jefe Dubya suppresses any and all investigations into his crimes. It is imperative that the Democrats retake both the House and the Senate; otherwise there may not be any democracy to defend by 2008.
Senate Rejects Wiretapping Probe
Senate Rejects Wiretapping Probe
The Bush administration helped derail a Senate bid to investigate a warrantless eavesdropping program yesterday after signaling it would reject Congress's request to have former attorney general John D. Ashcroft and other officials testify about the program's legality. The actions underscored a dramatic and possibly permanent drop in momentum for a congressional inquiry, which had seemed likely two months ago.Technorati Tags: Bush, NSA, FISA, GOP, thugs, impeach
Senate Democrats said the Republican-led Congress was abdicating its obligations to oversee a controversial program in which the National Security Agency has monitored perhaps thousands of phone calls and e-mails involving U.S. residents and foreign parties without obtaining warrants from a secret court that handles such matters.