Santorum Channels Quayle
What a waste it is to lose your mind...or never to have had one. Little Ricky provides supporting evidence as he goes all aphasic in a speech defending illegal wiretapping.
Who is Santorum Talking About? - Santorum Exposed: The Blog
Technorati Tags: Santorum, Ricky, NSA, FISA, aphasia
Who is Santorum Talking About? - Santorum Exposed: The Blog
"If you don't think we're in a war, then think again," said Santorum, justifying President George Bush's wiretapping procedures to listen in on possible terrorist conversations. "Most people don't believe there is war. And the war could have been avoided. Now we're in a war, but it's a different kind of war."Maybe it's like salary compression--you can't sound any more intelligent than your boss.
Technorati Tags: Santorum, Ricky, NSA, FISA, aphasia