Loose Lips Sink Spies
You mean like Valerie Plame?
Porter Goss really sticks it to Rove and Libby in this op-ed piece. Trouble is, I don't think he realizes it. The selected political leakage that's been seeping from the White House since Bushco got into office clearly matches what he describes, but I seriously doubt that's what he had in mind when he wrote the article. Rethugs, as you know, have no "irony" gene.
Loose Lips Sink Spies - New York Times
Porter Goss really sticks it to Rove and Libby in this op-ed piece. Trouble is, I don't think he realizes it. The selected political leakage that's been seeping from the White House since Bushco got into office clearly matches what he describes, but I seriously doubt that's what he had in mind when he wrote the article. Rethugs, as you know, have no "irony" gene.
Loose Lips Sink Spies - New York Times
Judge Laurence Silberman, a chairman of President Bush's commission on weapons of mass destruction, said he was "stunned" by the damage done to our critical intelligence assets by leaked information. The commission reported last March that in monetary terms, unauthorized disclosures have cost America hundreds of millions of dollars; in security terms, of course, the cost has been much higher. Part of the problem is that the term "whistleblower" has been misappropriated. The sharp distinction between a whistleblower and someone who breaks the law by willfully compromising classified information has been muddied.Technorati Tags: Porter, Goss, CIA, leaks, Rove, Libby, Plame
On the other hand, those who choose to bypass the law and go straight
to the press are not noble, honorable or patriotic. Nor are they
whistleblowers. Instead they are committing a criminal act that
potentially places American lives at risk. It is unconscionable to
compromise national security information and then seek protection as a
whistleblower to forestall punishment.