Friday, February 10, 2006

What's the matter with Carville?

What does Jimmy see in his batshit-crazy better half? It must be what's between her legs, because she's got nothing going for her between her ears.

Media Matters - Matalin: "I think these civil rights leaders are nothing more than racists. And they're keeping ... their African-American brothers enslaved"
From the February 8 edition of Fox News's Hannity Colmes:

MATALIN: Well, when you're -- have no facts -- you know, there's no facts, there's no vision. Therefore, there's no hope, it's all hate, and it's all anger. So it's -- I'll say again, it's sad. Look, this -- we're at a time in our nation's history where we need all the best brains involved in the process, and one whole party has taken itself out of the game here.

SEAN HANNITY (co-host): Yeah.

MATALIN: And the reason that -- it's not their face. It's not their message. There's no policy, there's no facts. I mean, the attacks on the president yesterday completely missed the progress that's been made in the African-American community, which can be credited to President Bush. African-American homeownership at an all-time high --

HANNITY: Well --

MATALIN: -- the achievement gap between the white and black students at a high, closing, narrowing. I mean, you know, I think these civil rights leaders are nothing more than racists. And they're keeping constituency, they're keeping their neighborhoods and their African-American brothers enslaved, if you will, by continuing to let them think that they're -- or forced to think that they're victims, that the whole system is against them. Articulate it better, Sean; it's so sad to me.
Just what African Americans need: more stupid, clueless white racists telling them not to get uppity. People like Matalin are truly blind. Blind to their own bigotry, blind to the harm Republicans have done to minorities and the poor, blind to the truth. All I can say, Jimmy, is she better be one sweet piece of ass or you're the one getting screwed.

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