Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Old Dominion Dimwits

Virginia will decide whether gays should have an equal right to starvation wages (see previous post).

Ending Bias in Virginia
VIRGINIA HAS come late to the idea that employees and job-seekers should not be discriminated against because they may be homosexual. Now it has a chance to embrace the obvious justice of that policy. It is crucial that the opportunity not be missed.

Former governor Mark R. Warner, having ignored the subject for most of his term, issued an order in December, weeks before leaving office, prohibiting discrimination by state agencies in hiring and employment. Mr. Warner's successor, Gov. Timothy M. Kaine, reaffirmed the policy on taking office last month. Now the General Assembly is considering legislation to codify that principled stance and extend it to local governments and school systems. It's as close to a no-brainer as legislation gets, but anti-gay legislators may still be able to kill it.
I wouldn't hold my breath. Any group that thinks $206 a week is a reasonable minimum wage isn't likely to be reasonable on the issue of gay rights.

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