Friday, March 03, 2006

But Karl Promised Me would blow over. Just like that there storm, Kathy...err, Katy...uhhh...Katalina?

Can we stay righteously pissed at His Incompetency this time? He knew, they all knew, that a levee breach was not only possible but that it would have disastrous consequences. Yet Dear Leader went on a retreat from reality for some guitar lessons, strumming while New Orleans drowned. Then he LIED to the nation--not just Diane Sawyer--about it, copping a plea of ignorance. "I'm shocked, shocked that the levees failed!"

Lie, spin, rinse, repeat. Why do we let these bastards get away with this over and over and over again? When the hell are we going to do something more than bitching on our blogs (note to myself) about it? And how can anyone, much less 34% of us, approve of the job this lazy, incompetent, idiotic, criminal asswipe of a preznit is doing? I'll be up in NYC today together with the rest of the millions that flood the Big Apple every workday, and I'll be right across the East River from that enduring symbol of Dubya's utter failure as a leader: the empty skyline where the Twin Towers once soared. It's way past time we kicked this bunch out.

This Is 'Fully Prepared'?
"I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees."

George W. Bush said those words to Diane Sawyer last Sept. 1, when desperate people in flooded New Orleans were still being rescued from their roofs. Now we know that just four days earlier, in a videoconference briefing, one of the nation's leading hurricane experts had explicitly warned that failure of the protective levees was "a very, very grave concern."
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