Friday, March 03, 2006

Reprieve! Curfew shall not ring tonight, Mr. Snedrick!

Yes, conservatives, there is a Santa Claus. Or at least there is forgiveness and redemption for your sins, and it is at your fingertips...literally. All that is required is a simple touch (in those states with Diebold or other, similar touch-screen systems) or the flip of a small lever. A cleanly-punched chad will do as well.

Yes, there is good news tonight. Evil Bobby has rung in the season of Conservative Amnesty, wherein we in the reality-based community promise to welcome back our conservative brothers and sisters--on one condition. And that condition is not burdensome; on the contrary, it is liberating. And liberty is what we Americans are all about, isn't it?

Yes, those of you who voted for Bush only to see his promises of integrity, honesty and transparency broken like a New Orleans levee, you who believed his claims to be a uniter, not a divider: there is a way out of hell. And here it is: this November, throw the GOP bums out. And if you can't abide the thought of voting Democratic, stay home and let those with stronger stomachs vote the bums out for you.

We stand ready, with hands outstretched, to receive you back into the fold. Not the Democratic fold, mind you, but the Congregation of All True Americans who, despite their differences, realize that our common good transcends party disagreements and that no single man or single group should wield near-absolute power over our national destiny.

Conservatives! Come back to reality! All is forgiven.

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