Sunday, March 19, 2006

Quod erat demonstrandum

I rest my case. The WaPo gives Op Ed space to the Mad Don himself, and Cheney goes on CBS to defend his infamous "last throes" statement. Madness. Sheer madness. Captain Queeg insists those strawberries of mass destruction are still there somewhere as he rolls his depleted Uranium ball bearings in his hand, yet no one steps up to relieve him of command.

Think Progress

SCHIEFFER: Mr. Vice President, all along the government has been very optimistic. You remain optimistic. But I remember when you were saying we’d be greeted as liberators, you played down the insurgency ten months ago. You said it was in its last throes. Do you believe that these optimistic statements may be one of the reasons that people seem to be more skeptical in this country about whether we ought to be in Iraq?

CHENEY: No, I think it has less to do with the statements we’ve made, which I think were basically accurate and reflect reality, than it does the fact that there is a constant sort of perception if you will that’s created because what is newsworthy is the carbomb in Baghdad, it’s not all the work that went on that day in 15 other provinces in terms of making progress in rebuilding Iraq.
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