Monday, July 31, 2006

Mad Max--Beyond Thunderbird

"What's the reason? Grape's in season!"

As many bloggers have pointed out, Mel's previous comments on the Holocaust, provided during interviews around the time "The Passion of the Christ" hit theaters, echo the standard "thoughtful" anti-semitic gloss on Hitler's Endlösung: "Lots of people died during WW II..." Ah, ethanol...nature's original truth serum.

Gibson's Remarks in Spotlight After Arrest

LOS ANGELES -- Despite an apology by Mel Gibson, Hollywood insiders and the star's fans sought more details about his reported anti-Semitic tirade during an arrest for drunken driving and whether sheriff's deputies gave him preferential treatment.

Gibson's publicist, Alan Nierob, would not elaborate beyond an apology Gibson issued Saturday in which the star admitted he uttered "despicable" things to deputies.

A leaked arrest report quoted Gibson as saying "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," and asking an arresting officer, James Mee, "Are you a Jew?"
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