Wamp Rat
Luke Skywalker: "I used to bullseye wamp rats in my T-16 back home, and they're not much bigger than 2 meters..."
Uh, Zach...If I were you and had a monicker like that, I'd wear a bag over my head electrical tape over my name tag in public. And bragging about what a bunch of heartless scumbags you and your GOP colleagues are is, really, like the nadir of assholiness.
I say we should pay every lawmaker who opposes an increase in the minimum wage $5.15 an hour. And only for the time they actually work. Good ole' Zach would prolly' bring in, oh, a good $51.50 a week.
Think Progress » Congressman Brags About Sabotaged Minimum Wage Bill: ‘You Have Seen Us Really Outfox You’
At 2 a.m. on Saturday morning, the House of Representatives passed a bill that links a $2 increase in the minimum wage to a dramatic cut of the estate tax for millionaires.Technorati Tags: GOP, heartless, scumbags, Zach Wamp, wamp rats, minimum wage
A few hours earlier, Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN) went on the House floor to brag about this ploy, which has little chance of passing the Senate. Wamp said to his opponents, “I know why you’re so mad and why you say things you don’t really mean. It’s because you have seen us really outfox you on this issue tonight.”