Earth to Tweety...
Uhhh... Chris, Bill Clinton had been out of office for 8 months by 9/11/2001. Commander Codpiece was in charge. And we know damn well HE didn't stop the 9/11 attacks in spite of the infamous PDB informing him that "bin Laden [is] determined to strike inside the US." No, he had more important things to do, like clearing brush at his little house on the prairie. Yet Tweety here, in essence, blames 9/11 on the Clenis. Fucking wanker.
Media Matters - Matthews: "We know" President Clinton "didn't stop" 9-11
Technorati Tags: Tweety, Chris Matthews, Clenis, 911, ClintonMATTHEWS: Who was president from '93 to 2001? Who was president of the United States?
GREEN: You know the answer.
MATTHEWS: Bill Clinton. Do you think he did a good job of stopping a second attack on the World Trade Center when he was president for eight years?
GREEN: We can't know whether he stopped it. Richard Clarke --
MATTHEWS: We know he didn't stop it.
GREEN: Richard Clarke's book said that Clinton was on the case on terrorism. Sandy Berger said, when he briefed Condoleezza Rice, he said your number one issue will be terrorism --
McFARLAND: Tell that to 2,000 people who died.