I'm relieved...
The Constitution may matter to the "average voter" after all!
White House Briefing -- News on President George W Bush and the Bush Administration
There's no doubt that President Bush's unprecedented use of signing statements to flout the will of Congress has fired up policy wonks, constitutional lawyers and other inside-the-Beltway types.The fact that this is at all remarkable should scare the shit out of all of us, the "average voter" included. Additionally, there are many, it seems, on the "infrared" end of the political spectrum (you know, the all heat-no light wingnut types like Coulter, Malkin, et. al.) who think it's just swell that we have a manly, fearless leader who rules with an iron codpiece and uses the Bill of Rights to wipe his ass. The Constitution's condition must still be listed as "critical," and it can't be upgraded to "stable" until power is safely out of Republican hands.
But is this one of those issues that the average voter couldn't care less about?
Well, judging from the recent outpouring of editorials at small- and medium-sized newspapers across the country, there may be something about violating the Constitution that riles up Americans no matter where they live or where they stand on the political spectrum.
Technorati Tags: Dubya, Bush, impeach, signing statements, Constitution